Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Act Festival 2012 pt.1

Sunny, Doug and I backstage about to perform at the One Act Festival 2011
Last year my favorite memories from school came from the annual one act festival. The picture to the left is from that day. It was my first time ever performing on the main stage of my local theater. It was a huge deal for me. It doesn't sound like much, but trust me it was. So the cast was about ten people and 2 of which were from lower grades and I was one of them. Our one act was The Butler Did It (a suspense/comedy about a murder on an isolated island). So in it I was one of the main characters and at the end was revealed to be the murderer. It was an awesome introduction into (what I thought was) "big" theatre. I made friends with all of those older students and as I type this I am backstage at rehearsal watching one of those older kids perform. His name is Brant and we are still friends to this day. Heck, this is our third show together!
At the festival all the schools in the district go and perform. It's called a festival because it's "not a competition" but there are always winners and losers. Our performance went without a hitch and was a major confidence boost.
Last fall was the annual speech tournament and my school always does well. What we didn't expect was the Grant Barracudas. The cudas are known for their sports. They dominate and everyone knows it, no one cares, but everyone knows. When they beat us at the speech tournament we took extra offense because they are our rival school. Adding insult to injury there was a boy involved (but that's a later post).
So this year we needed our one act to cream theirs like it did last year. This year we are doing Gallathea and it's a hot mess. Our leads just got replaced, some people barely know their lines, our costumes are basically just bed sheets with safety pins, it's just a train wreck. Don't get me wrong, our talent is great. It's just that we have all sort of just given up on the whole show. It's kinda sad actually.
Our festival is in two days. We aren't ready. I have to see the boy again. I have to try and give it my all.
The festival was so much fun last year so it should be fun this year. Right?......

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