Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley pt. 2

Katie "acting casual" as Belle comes and checks up on us
in the dressing room before rehearsal.
     Some call it Spring Break, we (the cast of Flat Stanley) call it Tech Week.
     As mentioned in my earlier post Belle, our stage manager, stepped up her game even more and now lurks in the shadows ready to pounce on any actor that steps out of line. Nothing big yet but all of us are being very careful. It's a running joke when Belle comes into the dressing room, where we all chill out before rehearsal starts, to say "BELLE IS HERE! ACT CASUAL!", pose and smile huge smiles. Of course Belle just laughs.
    Our show opens on Friday and everything is coming together swimmingly. Our set pieces should be done today, everyone has their lines, dances are staring to look polished and we even have custom animations and a green screen projected behind us onstage.
     We spend three to five hours a day there at the Harbor Playhouse and it's starting to pay off.
Our six year old Sneak Thief waiting for her cue
     Our version of Flat Stanley has no adult actors. Our youngest is six years old and she plays the sneak theif. Our oldest is seventeen and she plays Nurse Betty. You would think all these kids would mess it up and be unprofessional, but they all know exactly what they are doing. The six year old has been in more plays than I have. Yes, I'm being completely serious.

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