"Michael Cantu, as in football, Michael Cantu?" my friend clarified.
At the word "football", it hit me like a brick. He was in 8th grade when I was in 6th. Michael dominated on the football field and basketball court. Gabby had an über-dorky crush on him and we all teased her because he probably didn't even know her name. Looking back, I don't blame him. Most of our 6th graders are just flat out annoying.
I went to look at his Twitter feed and what I saw didn't surprise me. It looked something like this:
- baseball
- baseball
- baseball
- girlfriend
- baseball
So I got to thinking. I began to realize the legacy he left behind at Baker. All the guys wanted to be just like Michael. He was an upper classman, of course they looked up to him.
Then it hit me, CRAP! I'm now one of the upper classmen! When 6th graders look at me, what do they see? I only know a couple of them and just barely. But that's probably what Michael said...
The more I thought about it, the more I thought about other upper classmen. I thought about who I would love to be remembered like and my mind immediately went to Mel Barrera. She is a year older than me but every time I would see her around school I would think to myself "She's a great actress. I want to be like her." I started thinking more and more and soon I realized how all of these people who didn't even know most of us could make an imprint on the lower grades.
What kind of legacy will I leave behind?
I always wonder about this. I think it'd be interesting to know how I was remembered, if at all.